Posts Tagged ‘Web2.0’


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Have you ever wondered about the Web revolution, how it started, and where it is heading now?

While many of us may be left wondering about what is the Internet (along with its applications), the online medium has already fed some of us with geeky terms of Web versions such as Web1.0, Web2.0, and now it’s Web3.0. I am sure though that many of us are still wondering of what these things are all about.

Let’s discuss each of the terms of the Web revolution.

Web1.0 – This is the original usage of the Web for static Web sites. Commonly used term is “under construction” for sites that are unfinished yet.

Web2.0 – This is characterized by interactivity, community formation, user-content driven. Everything is labeled as “beta”. Many Web companies have started to develop tools that generate social interaction among users.

Web3.0 – Nova Spivack defines Web3.0 as the third decade of the Web (2010-2020). There are differing meanings of Web3.0. Some say that Web3.0 is about Web services and sharing APIs, artificial intelligence, and 3D or virtual world. Read more here. Jemima Kiss says that Web3.0 is about “rank and recommendation”. So let’s just wait and see what this version of the Web will be as we go along.

But, based from experience, what matters most is what we got out of the Web. How are we using the tools of the Web for our personal and professional growth? How are we using the social tools in enhancing our social life online, in building our businesses, in marketing our brands, etc?

Whatever the version the Web is in, just go with the flow. Enjoy its ride. Don’t be confused because it’s just the number that complicates it. As long as it serves our purpose, there’s nothing to worry about.